23rd - 26th May 2025,
SEC Glasgow

The Show Garden

Our charity partner Erskine, created a Falklands-themed garden at the Show to honour the servicemen, women and their families who sacrificed so much. Erskine has been supporting Veterans since 1916 and provides unrivalled support in Scotland.

Visitors paid their respects through the “forget me not garden” campaign, planted seeds and wrote messages (whether for a family member or just a message of thanks) in one of the planter barrels; these barrels and seeds will be replanted after the Show in the Falklands Memorial Garden at Erskine. 

Visitors were impressed by the Corten Steel sundial replica with a kneeling Falklands soldier, paying respects to his fallen comrades.

Children had lots of fun with the Penguin Treasure Hunt where 10 penguins made by Erskine’s Veterans were hidden in other stands around the Show.

The aim of the garden was to show respect to our Falklands Veterans, but also to appreciate the landscape of these islands.

To find out more about Erskine click here 

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